Top 10 Things You Don’t Need When Traveling

We know, we understand, the temptation of packing your whole house and everything you ever possessed in your luggage, when travelling abroad, or even when travelling in a shorter distance, could be very strong and hard to neglect. However, probably based on your own experience, you already know very well that more than half of the things you packed in your luggage, you never end up using and it is simply the most useless thing in the world to overpack, pay for extra luggage and struggle with the heavy bags.
But then again, the next holiday or journey comes and you do everything all over again. It is a vicious cycle that makes it really hard to escape from, but it is certainly not impossible. The one important thing you need in order to achieve it is having a good organisation. In order to help you be more organised and smarter, when packing your bags for travelling, today we share with you a list of top ten things that you definitely do not need to pack in your bag… although you might think that you cannot live without them!
Traveler’s Cheques
Yep, these are still existing and yep – they are still as useless as they used to be from their first day on this planet. In case you think otherwise – we wish you good luck in trying to exchange these cheques in whatever place they are made for.
Cheap Clothes
The best thing to do, when it comes to clothes and packing them, is selecting fewer, but better quality items that are most surely going to survive the journey/holiday, instead of a lot of lower quality clothes that might soon end up in the trash can. Additionally, better quality clothes ensure a lot more comfortable and do their job the way they should be, preventing you from overheating or freezing. The same should be applied to shoes.
Too Many Gadgets
Of course, there are so many wonderful, useful and creative gadgets on the market that can make your whole travelling experience far better and easier. But do you need them all? The best strategy, in this case, is prioritising – what you will exactly NEED for the place you are going to, or the type of travel you are going to experience. Be ruthless with the rest and simply do not pack everything you are hesitant with whether or not you are going to use it, when away. We promise you that you really won’t end up in need of everything you left at home.
Extra Toiletries
Most of the things you stuff into your toiletries bag you will end up not using for sure, so why wasting all this precious space in your luggage? Leave all the extra skin care and hair care at home you definitely will have neither the time nor the energy and patience to make yourself a face and hair mask every evening, while you are on a holiday. Additionally, try and take with you only travel size products. Even if you are abroad for a longer period, these should be more than enough. And if you somehow manage to finish one of your products, you can always buy another one, unless you are in a very remote and rural area of the world. But even then…
All The Books You Own
We understand that having some extra time to read a book is often something you cannot allow yourself in your everyday life, but what makes you think that you will have enough time for reading when you are travelling? Unless you are not planning to spend your entire holiday by the pool and on the beach and not doing anything else, you really don’t need a bag full of books. Take one book with you and we are more than sure that it is not guaranteed you are going to finish it up by the end of your holiday. If you still think that you need more than one book, when travelling, then opt for an e-reader to save a lot of space and extra weight from the bulky books.
Hot Hair Tools
Oh, vanity, oh, beauty… Of course, you want to feel beautiful, of course, you want to look your best, but remember that you can survive more than successfully without the bulky hot hair tools that will seriously weigh you down. While you are on holiday, you can ditch all the extra weight and go with the flow and we guarantee you – you will still look very beautiful without your flat iron and curling wand… because you will be happy, relaxed and tanned. You are on holiday, remember?
Home Comforts
Yep, you have your favourite cookie or tea brand and the chance of you craving this exact brand and type of snack or drink, while you are away is very high. However, remember that you can always have your favourite munchies when you are back from your holiday and save yourself the extra space in your luggage. These will taste even better if you take a short break from eating or drinking them. Be brave and embrace what the local cuisine has to offer, maybe you will find a new favourite, who knows…
The Fourth Pair Of Shoes
Yes, the weather in many countries is unpredictable and you might end up needing a pair of shoes for rainy and colder weather and one for the hot days. Yes, you also might end up needing a more sporty pair for all the long walks and so on. But four pairs, really? Come on…
Valuable Jewellery
We understand that you are most probably wanting to feel and look fancy when you are on a holiday, but packing with you fancy and valuable jewellery is definitely not a good idea. The chance of you losing your expensive pieces or having them stolen is pretty high, so you don’t want to risk it all. Simplify things and don’t take expensive or sentimental pieces with you.
A Guitar
Well, this one might sound a bit too stupid for you, but you will also be surprised with the number of people that want to travel with their… guitars. Yep, it is definitely fun to be able to play on guitar and take yours with you to have fun and impress fellow travellers around the campfire, but we still believe that travelling with your guitar is a bit too extra.