Top 10 Favourite Game of Thrones Places in Real Life

There is no doubt that Game of Thrones is the best TV series ever made and probably one of the most popular with the largest fan base. It is safe to say that almost all of the world population is at least familiar with the name of the series, or with the plot briefly. But for most of us Game of Thrones is the best thing ever made on television and it is no doubt that there are many hardcore fans of the epic series that are simply obsessed with the characters and their plots in the big game for conquering the Iron Throne. Hands down, a true Game of Thrones fan is definitely one interested in all the locations where some of the most epic TV scenes are filmed and this is what we are going to do today – sharing the top 10 most popular and amazing places from Game of Thrones and where you can find them in real life!
The Water Gardens in Dorne
Perhaps one of the most beautiful and exotic palaces included in the GOT series, The Water Gardens Palace is located in the fictional Dorne kingdom in the series, but in real life this is the Palace of Seville in Spain. Although the Dorne’s plot is a bit too neglected in the TV series, it is more than sure that you have fallen in love with this majestic and magnificent place during its short screen time. The real Spanish palace looks exactly as it is in the GOT series – soaked in the sun, with a detailed and extremely beautiful architecture and breathtaking. In this awe-inspiring place the creators of the Game of Thrones series find the perfect inspiration for filming the home of the Martell family, the sand snakes and where the flags with the sun can dance with the wind majestically.
Yunkai and Pentos
Two of the oldest and most exotic and rich cities in the GOT universe are inspired by equally breathtaking and historically and culturally rich place – the village of Ait Benhaddou in Morocco. Although the village has been part of many Hollywood productions, its sand- and sun-soaked architecture and beauty are definitely illustrated the best in the Game of Thrones series, where we can witness its rare and quirky beauty. Surrounded by deserted settings and located under the hot African sun, Ait Benhaddou inspired the two slaver cities in Esos – Yunkai and Pentos.
The Jon and Ygritte’s cave
Oh, hands down, this is one of the most desired cave in the world, but not only because of its unusual beauty, but mainly because of the hot scene between Jon and Ygritte in the early seasons of the TV series. There is hard to believe that somewhere around the globe exists a woman that is not in love with the infamous Mister Jon Snow and this makes visiting the “love nest” a main priority for many female fans of Game of Thrones (and Mr Snow in particular!). So, if you have ever wondered where is the place, where one of the most emblematic line “You know nothing, Jon Snow!” was heard for the first time, here is a big spoiler – it is the Grjotagja cave in Iceland. One of the most beautiful Icelandic caves with a real hot spring in it and one of the most beautiful love stories in the TV series’ history. The only thing left is wishing you great luck at finding this very particular cave, hence the strange and hard to remember the name it has!
North from the Wall
If you are more of an adventurous type, perhaps the scenes north of the Wall are some of most impressive and cool for you. The real place, where the scenes are filmed is equally impressive and adventurous. The white and snowy land is actually Vatnajokull, located in Iceland and it is known as the largest and widest glacier in Europe. Vatnajokull is also a part of the biggest and oldest national park in Europe, so the place definitely worth visiting! Just keep your eyes peeled for the Night King and make sure you can run fast in case of emergency!
Kings Landing
Of course, we cannot miss probably the most popular place and kingdom in the GOT series, the place where the desired Iron Throne is located. The scenes, including Kings Landing are actually shot in one equally famous and favourite Croatian coastal town – Dubrovnik. It turns out that the town of Dubrovnik is an exact copy of the Kings Landing from Martin’s fantasy (the author Martin creates the A Song of Fire and Ice book series that the TV series are based on). Located on a small rock overlooking the majestic sea and surrounded by an ancient stone wall, Dubrovnik definitely looks like a place straight out of the fairy tale books. So while you are on a hunt for some of the emblematic GOT locations, make sure to take a few days off and enjoy the marine resort with all its wonderful charms.
Red Keep
Right in the heart of Kings Landing is located the home of hundreds of generations of powerful kings and their families – the Red Keep. The place where the real game of thrones originates from is actually the Fort of St Lovrijenac located in Croatia and approximately close to Dubrovnik. The most interesting and kind of ironic thing is that there is a saying carved over the main entering point of the Fort and it goes as it follows: “Freedom is not to be sold for all the treasures in the world”. A rather interesting motto for the home of the Lannisters, right?
One of the strangest places in the whole TV series saga, soaked in mystery and enigma, a labyrinth of illusions, the greatest banking city in the whole Game of Thrones universe, Braavos is probably not e central point in the TV series, but it is definitely an important plot location. Although the infamous Titan of Braavos actually do not exist in real life, the location where the Braavos scenes are filmed is the Croatian ancient fortress village Sibenik. Some of the most emblematic buildings in Braavos such as the Iron Bank and the Hall of Faces can be seen in real life, simply make sure to visit the otherwise charming town Sibenik.
Winterfell is surely not a cosy and calm place to live for the rest of your life and the inspiration of the Stark’s home probably comes from the real-life Castle Ward in the UK. An intriguing mixture of gothic and classical architecture, Castle Ward is definitely not that magical and mysterious in real life, but if you are a die-hard fan of the TV series, the place is definitely an important part of the list of places you need to visit.
Great Sept of Baelor
Although not existing in the GOT’s world after the spectacular finale of season 6, the Great Sept of Baelor can actually be seen in real life and this is the Fort Manoel in Malta. Despite the fact that Malta recently survived the loss of another emblematic place from the TV series – The Azure Window limestone arch, where the Daenerys and Drogo’s wedding day was filmed, the Fort Manoel is still there is remains as beautiful and breathtaking as ever. Back in time Fort Manoel is built by the knights of Malta, but if you are a hardcore GOT fan, you will remember the place as where King Joffrey Baratheon started the great war by beheading Ned Stark.
Iron Islands
Definitely one of the quirkiest places in the GOT’s world with one of the strangest people in the TV series’ universe, here are the Iron Islands, ladies and gentlemen! You know, the place with no trees growing on it, but where the population somehow managed to build hundreds of wooden ships somehow… If you want to visit this place in real life, here is the hint – this is Murlough Bay and it is located in Northern Ireland. Overlooking the sea and with its rough nature and rugged coastline, Murlough Bay is the place where the Drowned God, salt and iron are in charge.