Signs That you Have Traveled Too Much This Year

Well, when we talk about too much travelling, you know that we do not mean it, because how it is even possible for someone to travel too much?! Travelling is never too much, because travelling is always the right amount, at the right time and moment of life! With that being said, there are some people that are luckier than others to have the opportunity (and bravery) to travel as much as they want (and yes, that means constantly hitting the road!).
If you are one of those people, you can easily recognize yourself when we say that you are not entirely sure what country you are at at the moment, not sure about the language you are speaking, your friends are not sure if you are back from your last trip, or already on your next journey. In case there is more international ink on the pages of your passport than food in your fridge or clothes in your wardrobe, then you are what we call the ultimate tourist (lucky you!). So if you have bitten hard by the travel bug for the last year, or the last few years, or your whole life really, here is a handful of signs that you have travelled too much (and surely need to continue doing it!).
Your bank account is just a shadow of its former self
No matter if you have started the year with an enviably full bank account, or one that is on the tighter side, the result at the end of the year for each human being that puts traveling as their main priority is always so crystal clear – your bank account will be just a shadow of its former self by the end of these twelve months! Although nowadays we all have the amazing opportunity to travel on a budget by booking cheap flights and accommodations at websites like Airbnb and Couchsurfing and although the fact that a couple of weekends away would never break the bank, travelling is still one of the most expensive hobbies… but it surely worth it every penny!
Your fridge has survives a war
Remember those old western movies and the essential scene of tumbleweed balls rolling across the long deserted roads… well, your fridge looks something similar! Because of all the time you spend on the road, there is no time and actually no need for you to test the capacity of your own fridge, so you end up starving each time you are back from a holiday or a journey! However, considering the amounts of tasteful foreign cuisine you have demolished, this is really not that much of a problem!
For once again you need a new passport
Well, an ink-cluttered passport is a common problem of every ultimate tourist. After all, why do not they do these passports a lot bigger in size… and perhaps with a few more blank pages? Until the day this is going to happen, you need to change your old passport and get a new one… once again!
Fly attendants are like your family
If you receive a warm welcome on every flight and the flight attendants know you by your first name, then you are a serious case of a tourist, my friend! Furthermore, with all the time you have spent on flights you have managed to turn into a real pro at frequent flying!
Ahm, what language do I speak?
Do not worry that you have forgotten the language you are speaking, because with the constant traveling, discovering and getting to know new cultures, foreign languages and finding usual and unusual ways to communicate with people from all around the world, it is normal that your brain is drawing into a linguistic mixture of ‘Spasibo!’, ‘Hola!’ and ‘Grazie!’ and you are not quite sure about the mother tongue you are born with! When you are back at home after the sixth or seventh journey for the past few months, you might expect some difficulties with how to thank or great people in your own language at first, but then again, you have mastered a few more foreign languages!
You practically live in a luggage
You do not need and you never unpack, because who knows when your next trip will be ahead… you need to be always ready to hop on the next flight or train!
Social media
Your social media accounts make people think that you are working for National Geographic… and you are, indeed, very, very proud!