5 Tips How To Travel The World With No Money… Almost

Just imagine to travel the world and spending no more than 10 pounds a day! Yep, air tickets, accommodation, visas and food included! It sounds impossible, right? It sounds too good to even dream about it… But, in fact, and very surprisingly, it is possible. The majority of you may think that we are crazy to even mention this, but traveling the world, even when you are on a very strict and limited budget, or with no budget at all to be more specific, is something that is completely possible for the people, who know all the tricks and hacks of travelling. Travelling the world and spending little to none money is a great opportunity for everyone to experience all the beauty and charm around and if you want to try it out too, here are the five helpful tips you need to follow.
In fact, the idea of travelling the world with no money is not a new and non-tested one. Go and ask the young Danish man Heinrich Jepsen, who became the youngest human ever visiting all 193 countries in the world (only 28-years old!) in April 2016. You guessed it right, in order to visit all the countries and places of the world, you definitely need a small fortune… or more like a very big fortune. But if you do not have an extra rich old grandma, or you are not a CEO of Apple, we still have some good news for you. As Heinrich would confirm this, travelling the world and spending almost no money is the reality and if you aim to achieve his success, you can totally do it!
As Jepsen explains in some recent interviews, the whole experience of him visiting all countries of the world cost him 50 000 US dollars, which is somewhere around 15 dollars a day. Pretty impressive, right?! Well, $50,000 is still pretty much a serious amount of money you need to somehow figure out how to save up, but if you are not aiming to visit literary all countries of the world, you can get along with significantly less!
“What I did is something that everyone can do, at least if they really want to.” as Jepsen expresses in an interview he gave to a Spanish media while staying in Madrid. Madrid is the starting point of his recent idea of travelling to Brazil, Argentina and South Africa and next travelling around Europe by car for six months. Now, this is a young man with some impressive goals and hobbies!
Here are the 5 top tricks Heinrich shares with everyone, who want to travel the world and spend no more than 10 pounds a day!
In fact, flight tickets are usually one of the most important aspects of the whole travelling experience, but this is not how things are for Heinrich Jepsen. “I travelled from Denmark to Africa for 6 euros, from Italy to Morocco for 3 euros and from Malaysia to Australia for 40 euros.” In order to get an advantage and benefit from these amazingly cheap airfares, the young man is subscribing to all websites of all cheap flight companies around the world. Every time he receives a notification for a very good offer, he does not hesitate, but immediately gets the opportunity, purchases the cheapest ticket and head to the new adventure and new country of the world.
However, in order to get the advantage of all those great deals, which are, usually, last minute tickets, you need to be very flexible with your travel plans, with the dates of travelling and the destinations too. If you have a specific time period of the month or the year, when you are free and you want to head to India, for example, you might find yourself waiting for months and months to get a good offer. Additionally, travelling with only a small cabin luggage is a must, because when it comes to cheap flights, you are most certainly going to be charged a lot, if you want to bring a big luggage with you, so be as minimalistic as possible with what you bring with you.
Accommodation is yet another costly aspect of travelling. When Heinrich travelled the world, he did spend just a bit more than 100 euros for hotel rooms. “My advice is looking for accommodation by the locals and their homes. Couchsurfing, for example, is a great website, where you can meet hundreds of people, who do not mind to share their free couch or bed with people from all around the world, without asking for money.” Couchsurfing is not the only opportunity, as Jepsen shares, because he used to also sleep in the houses of people, who he just met on the trip, on the street. Although this is a good opportunity to save a lot of money, while travelling, we do not recommend you trying this out, especially if you are travelling alone. Think safety first! What Jepsen shares about a couple of times, he didn’t manage to find someone to offer him a free bed or couch is that he slept in the airport a couple of times.
Local Transport
Say no to rent-a-car services, cabs and taxis, because this will require a lot of money. The main way of transportation for the Danish tourists is hitchhiking and he can give hundreds of examples how helpful people from all around the world took him to their cars to help him reach to many places, without asking for money. However, hitchhiking is not exactly extra safe, but you can try it if you are not travelling alone. In fact, Jepsen shares that he has only positive and good experience with hitchhiking and people from all around the world in general. But if you are not that much of a hitchhiking person, or you simply do not have any other opportunity, we recommend you use the cheapest public transport options like buses, etc.
The best advice the Danish traveller can offer, when it comes to food, is forgetting about eating out and restaurants, but buying food from the local supermarkets and little food shops instead. Supermarket food is, in fact, the cheapest way to get your belly full, when travelling and also an amazing opportunity to try the variety of local foods and products.
If you manage to get as popular as Heinrich Jepsen did by travelling the entire world, you will most probably have the amazing opportunity to travel the world in high class, with first class flights, staying in five-star hotel rooms and eating the best and most expensive meals, without spending a single penny. How comes? It is easy! Jepsen exchanges his popularity for all the above-mentioned benefits – he advertises airlines, hotels, restaurants and services through his social media platforms and accounts, where he is followed by thousands and thousands of people.